Comarch ERP Mobile Apps

Comarch ERP Mobile BI 3.0.2
Comarch ERP Mobile BI is the latestapplication from the family of Comarch ERP Mobile Solutions. Itallows viewing of reports and analyzes on mobile devices with theAndroid operating system. The data for reports are currently beingsupplied by Comarch ERP XL BI and Comarch ERP Optima BI Analysistransaction system. The application allows viewing the datapresented in tables or in charts (bar chart, line chart, areachart, step chart).Charts:A user can freely change the chart type while viewing a report, andmay choose chart colors from the built-in palette available in thestandard version. In addition, a user can edit the data aggregationin graphs by using the slider available below each chart, withouthaving to edit the chart parameters.Tables:The data in tables can be sorted either by ascending or bydescending. It is also possible to use filters, such as Top 10, aswell as to filter the data by selecting dimensions (such as time,products, customers) currently displayed in a report. The data intable can be viewed in the form of graphs.Data:A user can import the data to Comarch Mobile BI application fromall the analytical areas that are available in Comarch ERP XLsystem. After connecting to the Internet and downloading thereports, it is possible to continue working with the reportsoffline.Protection:To protect the application data from being accessed by thirdparties (in case of losing a phone or having it stolen), theapplication has been equipped with a password protection systemthat can be run in the settings.In demo version, there are several predefined reports available.They allow users to get familiar with the functionalities andcharacteristics of the application.
Comarch Mobile Sales 2016.4.2
Comarch Mobile is a package of five solutions used to providecomprehensive support for customers from many business branches.Comarch Mobile includes: Management, Sales, Tracking, Service andmPOS. Comarch Mobile Management is dedicated mostly to managers andregional sales managers. It can also be used by employees managingcar fleet in a company in order to monitor current location ofemployees, browse routes registered by them and define individualwork statuses required for reporting. Comarch Mobile Salesapplication is designed mostly for sales or medicalrepresentatives. Comarch Mobile Tracking allows for registering andbrowsing routes travelled to customers as well as efficientcommunication. Comarch Mobile Service is an application foremployees of maintenance departments, who execute inspections,assemble and repair own devices as well as devices sold tocustomers. Comarch Mobile mPOS is an application for cashiers andsales assistants in stationary stores as well as in pop-up stores,that is islands, corners and regulars stores in shopping malls,which may be temporary. Comarch Mobile Sales streamlines work ofsales representatives, enabling, among others: • Access to completeproduct offer, along with images, description and all commercialconditions defined in ERP system • Access to full history oftransactions, payments and contacts with a customer • Processing ofsales transactions of preselling type (registering orders andquotes when visiting a customer) • Processing of sales transactionsof vanselling type (processing sales transaction when visiting acustomer) by means of issuing invoices, receipts and SO releasesalong with printing documents or printing them on receipt printer •Processing foreign transactions • Handling of advance invoices •Handling of deposits, sets • Debt collection – completingreceivables and payables and controlling credit limit • Printing ofdocuments on mobile receipt printers, thermal printers or withcustomer signature on laser printers • Sending of PDF files withdocument printouts • Effective planning and executing of salescalls with the use of call patterns defined in ERP system and anintuitive Calendar • Using of many types of sales call elements(which enables using the application in many business branches),e.g. questionnaires, report on competition, product availabilityreport, merchandising, releasing marketing materials • Registeringof meetings and phone calls and thereby, providing full informationto the Headquarters about activities towards customers • Executingof tasks scheduled by supervisor in Comarch Mobile Management •Registering routes, indicating defined tags and using the instantmessenger (available together with Comarch Mobile Tracking).Comarch Mobile Sales is available in Polish, English, French andGerman. Comarch Mobile cooperates with Comarch ERP Standard,Comarch ERP XL and Comarch ERP Optima. The demo version deliveredalong with exemplary database allows for getting familiar with fullfunctionality of the application, except for dedicated keyboard,synchronization with ERP system and online reports.
Nowoczesne Zarządzanie 1.3
Głównym celem magazynu „NowoczesneZarządzanie”jest dzielenie się z czytelnikami wiedzą idoświadczeniembiznesowym. Artykuły skupiają się na takichzagadnieniach jakzarządzanie firmą, nowoczesne technologie,finansowanie, e-commerce,przedsiębiorczość oraz komunikacja.Pismo ma charakter Business to Business i jest skierowanejestkadry menedżerska firm o zróżnicowanej wielkości i różnymprofiludziałalności.„Nowoczesne Zarządzanie” dwa razy w rokudostarczaprzedsiębiorcom praktycznych informacji i wskazówek,którepozwalają usprawnić każdy biznes.„Nowoczesne Zarządzanie” to obowiązkowa pozycja dlakadryzarządzającej.Stałe rubryki:- AKTUALNOŚCI – przegląd bieżących wydarzeń adresowanychdoprzedsiębiorców,- TEMAT NUMERU – zagadnienia zawsze na czasie,- NOWE ROZWIĄZANIA – nowości na rynku IT w Polsce i na świecieoraztrendy w zarządzaniu firmą,- RYNEK – wszystko to, o czym przedsiębiorca wiedzieć powinien,byskuteczniej zarządzać prowadzoną firmą,- WIEDZA – e-commerce, programy lojalnościowe,zarządzaniepersonelem i przedsiębiorstwem, coaching, komunikacja(marketing,public relations, social media), szkolenia.Magazyn jest zarejestrowany przez Bibliotekę Narodową –ISSN2082-1581.Aplikacja „Nowoczesne Zarządzanie” umożliwia lekturęmagazynubezpłatnie z poziomu smartfonów i tabletów.Więcej na www.NZ.Comarch.plThe main purpose ofthemagazine "Modern Management" is to share with the readersknowledgeand business experience. Articles focus on such issues asthemanagement of the company, technology, finance,e-commerce,entrepreneurship, and communication.The letter is a business to business and managerial staffisdirected companies of various sizes and various profiles."Modern Management" twice a year, provides entrepreneurswithpractical information and tips to help improve everybusiness."Modern Management" is a must for managers.Regular columns:- NEWS - A review of current events addressedtoentrepreneurs,- STORY - issues always on time,- NEW SOLUTIONS - news on the IT market in Poland and aroundtheworld, and trends in the management of the company,- Market - all this, what an entrepreneur needs to knowtoeffectively manage the company conducted,- KNOWLEDGE - e-commerce, loyalty programs, personnelmanagement,and business, coaching, communication (marketing, publicrelations,social media) training.The magazine is registered by the National Library -ISSN2082-1581.The "Modern Management" allows you to read the magazine forfreefrom smartphones and tablets.More
Comarch Mobile Sales DACH 2016.6
Comarch Mobile Sales richtet sich als Anwendung vorrangig anHandels- und Pharmavertreter. Sie eignet sich für jede beliebigeBranche, bewährt sich sogar in untypischen Bereichen wie bspw.Vending und liefert Unterstützung für mobile Vertriebsmitarbeiter.Comarch Mobile Sales ermöglicht die Abbildung der in Comarch ERPEnterprise stattfindenden Geschäftsprozesse auf mobilen Geräten,wodurch die Außendienstmitarbeiter ihre tägliche Arbeitortsunabhängig verrichten können. Comarch Mobile Sales stellt u. a.folgende Möglichkeiten bereit: • Zugriff auf das umfassendeWarenangebot, einschließlich der Abbildungen und Beschreibungensowie aller im System Comarch ERP Enterprise definiertenHandelskonditionen • Zugriff auf die vollständige Historie derTransaktionen, Zahlungen und Kundenkontakte • Durchführung vonVorverkaufsmaßnahmen (Unterbreitung von Angeboten und Erfassung vonBestellungen direkt beim Kunden) • Durchführung vonVanselling-Maßnahmen (Ausführung von Verkaufstransaktionen direktbeim Kunden) samt der Ausstellung und dem Ausdruck vonVerkaufsdokumenten • Mahnwesen – Abrechnung von Forderungen undVerbindlichkeiten sowie Möglichkeit zur Überwachung vonKreditlimits • Ausdrucken von Dokumenten auf mobilen Thermodruckernoder Laserdruckern mit integrierter Kundensignatur • Versenden derDruckdokumente als PDFs • Effiziente Planung und Durchführung vonKundenbesuchen unter Verwendung eines benutzerfreundlichenKalenders und vordefinierter Vorlagen für Kundenbesuche • Nutzungdiverser Kundenbesuchselemente, u. a. Umfragen,Wettbewerbsanalysen, Berichte zur Warenverfügbarkeit,Bildaufnahmen, Verwendung von Marketingmaterialien • Erfassung vonKundentreffen und -telefonaten, wodurch die Unternehmenszentraleeinen vollständigen Einblick in die mit Kunden durchgeführtenMaßnahmen erhält • Ausführung von durch die Vorgesetzten geplantenMaßnahmen. Die Demoversion mit Beispieldaten bietet einen Einblickin die umfassenden Funktionen der Anwendung. Funktionen wiededizierte Tastatur oder Online-Berichte sind in der Demoversionder mobilen Anwendung jedoch nicht enthalten.